Our second episode is here!!! *Applauds*
We always take delight in digressing on whatever topic we're talking about....but that's our charm, eh? :-p Great fun was had with help of alcohol, potato chips and sweets! This time, we were recording from Elemm's
So, let's get the show started!
Thank you for mentioning us!
- Stitch Stud and His Bride
- SSK (on their virtual SnB session)
- Lime & Violet
- It's a Purl, Man
- Charles Lifestyle & Knitting
- Ms. B: Springgrass Socks from Craftoholic, Gentleman's Fancy Socks from Knitting Vintage Socks and the Chevron Scarf from Last Minute Knitted Gifts
- Cashyie: Periodic Table Garter Stitch Blanket (!!!) and ...drumroll... SOCKS! Well, the start of socks anyways.
- Elemm: "Boyfriend Socks" by Alice Bell (frogged back and needles put back in), "Icarus Shawl" from Interweave Knits Summer 2006 and "Clementine Shawlette" from Interweave Knits Spring 2007
- Pictures of my progress: Boyfriend Sock, Icarus Shawl, Clementine Shawlette
- Should men wear shawls? Get your men to wear shawls or ask for their opinions! Post your answers in the comment on send us an email at:
KnittersUncensored (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Life in Germany with Ms. B: Yarn shopping dilemma....hand-painted yarns are a rarity here! Go check out her compilation of online yarn shops and indie dyers in Germany here.
Knitting "auf Deutsch" with Elemm:
- Garn = yarn (usually refers to the thread itself)
- Wolle = wool, yarn
- Bambus = bamboo
- Schurwolle = virgin wool
- Seide = silk
- Baumwolle = cotton
- Acryl = acrylic
- Masche(n) = stitch(es)
- anschlagen = cast-on (Maschen anschlagen, "Ich schlage (Maschen) an")
- abketten = bind-off/cast-off ("Ich kette ab")
- stricken = to knit
- rechts stricken = knit (so: rechte Masche = knit stitch)
- links stricken = purl (so: linke Masche = purl stitch)
- schlechte Podcaster, kein Keks = bad podcasters, no cookie
The drawing for our contest! Congratulations to I play with Pins & Needles (Wollmeise) and Celtic Knots (Knit Picks)! We have contacted you via email already and will be sending out the prizes as soon as possible!
- WWKIP-Day: the unofficial Munich section. We're going to meet at 11.30 a.m. on this coming Saturday, 09th June. The meeting point will be at the Feldherrnhalle on the Munich Odeonsplatz. Please tell us if you're coming, so we will know who we should be expecting!
- Benediktbeuren Textile Market (22nd-23rd September 2007): Biggest textile market in Germany. Meet the Wollmeise in person! Fondle her gorgeous yarns before making the purchase. There will be a sock-workshop with Yarnissima, the designer of the Digitessa! The Knitters Uncensored Team will be there and we all will be having a PJ-Knit-Party! This is an open invitation to all the listeners, as well as to all podcasters out there! It's on during Oktoberfest, what better excuse to combine yarn with beer?!
- Ms. B will be going to Ally Pally in London for the Knitting & Stitching Show in October

- Knitters Uncensored Theme song written, produced and performed by Ms. B and her DH (please tell her that her singing is wonderful!)
- "Lip Syncing to the Song" by Billy Reid...and just for the sakes of it, here's the video of the song:
Leave us comments (coz we're comment-ho's) or write us an email at:
KnittersUncensored (AT) gmail (DOT) com
Until the next time, keep knitting!
Yours (with 2 snaps in a circle and a cherry on top *winks*),
Ps. The show titled with "Kolenyas" need a bit of explanation: "Kolenya" is a pattern for fingerless mittens that I knit. You can find the pattern by Sheep and no city HERE.
Pps. Also thank you to Socks in the City for mentioning our podcast in her latest episode! Glad that my segment could be of help! (I'm adding this in right now because I'm listening to her while writing up the show notes)
Hi everybody,
I'm in the process of listening to the episode.
Thanks for mentioning me :) maybe I'll become an indie dyer too :)
In the UK they do use cm! really! I've been there in march :) but they do still weight in stones. Ms B I do have an inch measure tape here :)
And here in Kiel (nearly Denmark ;) ) nearly nobody wears Bavarian leather trousers ;) and I hope, that you don't take everything from Munich/Bavarian as German :)
I love to hear you speak German btw. your accents are sooooo cute!
And you need to learn
Keine Arme, keine Kekse :)
ooh, me again...
maybe you could do that English/German the other way round and explain what large instep is and the different weights like worsted weight and dk weight :)
the wright and left side I think comes from the sewing :)
hi all! dude rockin' second episode what WHAT! oh and thanks for the mention and i'll see you three in september. largest fabric market in deutschland and special oktoberfest bier here i come. w00t!
Dang! Hand I known I could have said "Cashyie I bet you do EXACTLY WHAT I DO" I would have! Haha. I'm doing some cobalt catalysis chemistry up here in northern Bavaria. Question about the periodic table blanket: are you doing it color coded? Like shades of green for non-metals and shdes of yellow for the alkali earth metals and stuff? lol.
Anyways, enjoyed the show again! Wish I could make it down to Muenchen for the WWKIP Day, but I don't know if I want to get up early enough to be there by 11:30.
Oh, and I just use DK weight yarn and bigger needles to make bigger socks for my boyfriend, lol. He has BIG feet. ;-)
Should men wear shawls.... hmmmm.... No, don't think I could do a shawl. Now a poncho, that's a different story. I could do the high plains drifter look.
Oh, and great timing here. I'm wearing my boyfriends today that Ms. B made for me and listening to the podcast:o)
I was trying to figure out how to link Ms. B flicker pic of my boyfriends but could not. However, it is probably for the better because the pic shows somebody elses foot inside my boyfriends! My therapist says I'm making fabulous progress.
Men and Shawls:
ok - for old men in wheelchairs in the corner of the retirement home
not ok - anyone who can take themselves to the bathroom
If you are cold: wear a nice aran sweater; or knit a blanket; or try a great kilt, which is shawl-like and very butch
Lacey and frilly is a distinct female garment tradition, and damit I'm all for keeping it that way!
Ms. B. I agree, metric only tape measures are useless! (And I'm Canadian, so :P to those who think only American's care about such things.)
Cashyie, I think we're going to have to start a support group for single Canadian grad students!
hmmm not a bad idea - or perhaps we could just swap single men we
know (but dont love...) - im keeping the tyrolians for myself, but can i interest you in some
macedonian mankittens - really lovely- if a bit furry, but hey, warm for winter, no?
hey kniteurope - what a crazy small world - i did my masters work with tungsten and have been playing a bit with ruthenium, but am goofing around with Cr, Mo, and W on the side - you always go back to your first love ....
as for the periodic table blanket - i had originally toyed with the idea of separating the groups by yarn quality so you could "feel" the difference and getting something really silky for Hg and Br so it felt "wet", but its starting to get a bit out of hand now with all the squares being slightly different sizes so im thinking of just waiting till i have 109 squares and trying to sew them togeather any way they fit (kinda like research, eh?)
anyhow if your ever in munich be sure to drop us a line, we can go for coffee/cake and knit kolenyas.....and talk about how awsome the d-block is!!!!!!!
Hi knitters, had great fun listening to your show!
Men and shawls: some men can pull it off, some can't. I guess "when in doubt, don't" is a good rule here.
You definitely get cookies for this episode:)
Squeeeeeeee! I'm so glad you enjoyed the link. ;-)
That textile festival? Just one more reason why I don't want to go home. I want to be at the K.U. sleepover!
I totally adore your podcast- you're helping me keep my sanity as I prepare for my last exam. EVER. Thursday.
Anyway, instead of studying I listened to your show and yes, the yarn situation over here.... meh. I am lucky that I am close to Tausendschön and another store in the Saarland area, Filatum, no homepage, that carry Noro/Rowan/Bliss/Harding/Colinette.... but things like English language knitting books (apart from pattern books for Rowan/Noro).... or cool knitting needles.... knitterly gifts or greeting cards? Nada.
I have stumbled across this store- airbrushed sock yarn- even sea silk. http://www.das-schneeschaf.com/
And since this show was totally awesome- Kekse für alle! :)
Hi! Just wanted to drop by and say how much I'm loving the podcast. You make me giggle out loud to myself like a crazy lady which is always a good thing.
Re: measurements in the UK... over here I think technically we're supposed to use metric but the relity doesn't quite work out like that. My generation (I'm 22) were taught only metric in school, yet for the life of me I wouldn't have a clue what my height was in CM or my weight in KG. I think a lot of people just "regress" back to feet and inches, esspecially if that's what what their parents and co-workers use. Or if most of their knitting patterns are American :) Oh, and the tape measures are double sided.
Can't wait for the next show!
Another great show gang!
Just say NO to men in shawls! Even if Ricky Martin was wrapped in nothing but a shawl, I wouldn't change my mind.
Yet another great podcast! I'm loving it - thanks for making me laugh while I knit.
Men in shawls - definitely not. Sorry! However, using one to keep you cozy in the comfort of your own space -- DEFINITELY. They're perfect for that, yes?
I'm loving your podcast. Feels like sitting around with a bunch of friends.
Send me a snail mail address if you like and I'll try to hunt down and send a supply of measuring tapes. Who knows...maybe I'll even throw in some handpainted sock yarn since it doesn't seem to be readily available there.
I just got around to listening to your first two episodes, and I’m hooked already! The only problem I have with your podcast is the same I have with Lime & Violet: I like to listen to podcasts with earphones, and when you guys laugh out lout, it really hurts my ears. Other than that, listening is a lot of fun!
You’re doing a very good job teaching the German knitting vocabulary to your listeners, but the impatient ones might be interested in the knitting dictionary I put together: http://tinyurl.com/ytqt5o
Oh, and Ellem? I think you could totally wear that shawl in public. :)
Great episode guys- I love the German knitting terms especially.
I really wanna come over for the fiber fest too- my best friend is living in Heidelberg... can't be that far!
I'm definitely up for Benediktbeuren in September, and I love the Periodic Table blanket idea. Ms B, you sing divinely. Thanks for another terrific show, guys!
I polled the men in my life about wearing shawls...
I had 3 straight guys and 2 gay guys. 4 said hands down "no" and one said "yes, but only to keep warm" (as in because it was absolutely nessecary). Would they turn down a man-lace style scarf (see knitspot.com for that)? I don't know, but I might try ;)
Yay! I am glad that there are other people who are overly fond of the transition metals and lanthanide series.
Great episode. I am looking forward to the german language sections, as I have a future aunt-in-law in Germany whose english is good but not about knitting, and I would love to be able to talk with her about it better.
I love the idea of a periodic table afghan and shawl! I am so copying you now...
p.s. Love the show! Lots of cookies to all three of you!
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