A tad late than intended. Ms. B was enjoying her vacation too much that she didn't get around editing our Christmas episode. But hey, it's Boxing Day after all...so it still counts as Christmas, eh?
Opening done by Ms. B's son. Isn't he just cute???! (Here's what I can make out of what he said: "Welcome to Knitters Uncensored episode 11 with Elemm, Cashyie and Ms. B. Merry Christmas! Tchüss!")
Cashyie tries to welcome you in German with an Italian accent. We launched right into....
What's on/off our needles?
- Cashyie:
- Off her sewing needles: 35 Advent Calendars! (Yup, she sews now! She even thrashed her sewing machine trying to fix it. She ended up having to go over to Ms. B's and use her sewing machine.)
- Sewn Faux-Tarp Plastic bag (FO)
- Another My So-Called Scarf in Alpaca (WIP. This also started the story about how Climbing Wife has fallen from grace for Ms. B.)
- Crochet Fish Christmas Tree Ornament for her Schlecker Lady ("Schlecker" is a chain of drug-store here in Germany.)
- Ms. B:
- "Striped Lily the Pink" (in the mean time almost an FO)
- 7 hats: Mission Fall Chullo hat for her kid, Rock-Star Husband and Amanda Hat and Coronet hats for her kids' Kindergarten teachers (digressions about the time when Ms. B went to Ecuador)
- Elemm:
- Mystic Waters Shawl (in the podcast, I caught up to Clue 5. In the mean time, I'm on Clue 6)
- Icarus Shawl
- Flower Basket Shawl with my own hand-spun
- Tiger's Eye Yarn (or as some of you would like it: "Tigerente")
Cashyie has Christmas presents for us! I got a some Glühwein (mulled-wine) lollies and a ball of GGH-Vision.....and we had a great laugh over Cashyie's pronunciation of the GGH-yarn! Ms. B got also grappa lollies and a hank of Trekking Hand-dyed. Rock-Star Husband gets a small bottle of "Bärenfang" mead.
Life in Germany: The Christmas Markets in Germany. Cashyie went to the Nuremberg Christmas Market. I didn't make it to any of the markets at all. Ms. B didn't either, but she went to the Home and Hand Work show.
There are several small Christkindlmärkte in a city....pretty much one in each suburb. In Munich, the tourist hub would have a Christkindlmarkt that are full of imported stuff, but not made-in-Germany stuff. We also talked a bit about Tollwood which is a kind of seasonal festival here in Munich.
Wollmeise Colourways:
- Rittersporn = delphinium, larkspur
- Veilchen = violet
- Gewitterhimmel = stormy sky
- Sultan (and OMG, Ms. B didn't know what a "Sultan" is!)
- Regenbogen = rainbow
- Raku-Regenbogen = "Raku" rainbow
Contest: Photoshop Wollmeise Yarns in some kind of funny settings and send it to us! We'll pick the winner and you'll...errr....win something, I guess. :-p
Cashyie's Freak-of-the-Week: We will now feature Cashyie's dating life over the internet...but she ended up getting some very weird "winks". Listen and have a good laugh! 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Contest 2: Help Cashyie write up her headline and her internet profile! The best one will be picked by Cashyie and get a prize she got from the Christmas Market.
Sex-Ed 101 with the KU: And then they turned the conversation around to me and the fact that I was kind of off-the-market (in the mean time I'm officially off-the-market already...so you'll be hearing a lot more about my Dr. D from now on). Cashyie then started talking about "exclusivity"in regards to "Ahem"....yeah, okay, in regards to sex and whether you ask your partner prior to your first sexual intercourse whether they've been tested for "various things" yet. This sparked off a whole long discussion. Up to that point I never talked to Dr. D about this issue, because for me, it wasn't up to the *serious* point of a relationship yet. However, this is just not how we do it...or at least not how I do it.
Cashyie was absolutely appalled about my reactions to this issue. It wasn't resolved when we were recording the episode. However, for the record I need to say that it was Dr. D himself who brought up the subject (which surprised and amused me), and I would like to state here that in the mean time, I got tested and have got my negative result back (and yes, Dr. D also got tested, but he gets his results back after the New Year). I'll report more on this in the next episode. ;-)
So, what's your view on this? Do you ask your potential partner about tests? Do you ask them right early on, or when it's about to get more serious? Do you think that in doing so, is it just going too far or is it just being safe? Share your opinions with us!
Announcements: Knitters Uncensored stickers! Please contact us about this if you want some. Best way is to send us your Self-Adressed-Stamped-Envelope (SASE) and we can send it off to you (that is, if you're in Germany).
You can leave us a comment here or contact us via email:
KnittersUncensored (at) gmail (dot) com
or come and join us at our Uncensored Knitters Ravelry Group!
This episode's music is American Heartbreak's "The Greatest Xmas Song Ever Written", and it is brought to you by:

Until the next time, have a Happy Holiday and knit hard! And get tested!!!! :-p
I just want to support Cashyie's views on safe "Ahem" -- it's totally a reasonable thing to ask, and I'm glad Dr. D brought it up. (Can't wait to hear more about him. Is he a medical doctor or an academic doctor?) I think you should always look out for yourself first, and getting tested protects both partners. Talking about it earlier is better, because you never know when the mood will be right for "Ahem.." and you want to be ready, right?
you definitely should require a partner to be tested. You have only your life to lose. Gee whiz. A listener in North Carolina
While I can totally relate to it being an extremely uncomfortable conversation, I'm with Cashiye. You gotta ask and you gotta get tested so you know for sure. We want you happily and healthily podcasting for many years to come.
Um, when did Cashyie start blogging and where I can I find it?
I had to share some of this :P
(Plus a little plug for the awesome podcast!)
>> Quoted!
LOve this episode :-)I just started listening and I really like your podcast, VERY funny
Just listened to your 'cast this morning during my workout, which ended before I could finish listening to the whole thing! However, had to say, most enjoyable to listen to, laugh along with. Got a major kick out of the letters (winks), particularly the "Borat letter"! Too funny!
The mystic waters shawl is beautiful...I cant wait to see it finished.
Hey, this was the first episode I ever heard and I LOVED it! Thanks for the entertainment! I am writing to say that I always talk to my partners about testing and safe sex, etc. To me this is the norm, and the only way to go. Yes, people can lie, but if you don't ask it encourages a culture of dishonesty and keeping things to yourself.
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