After quite a bit of an absent due to scheduling difficulties (yeah, sorry, I've got a bf and Cashyie has to work). Anyway, we're BACK!!! And we got a whooping long episode for you and a fun contest! Just a warning that we went off constantly on tangents in this episode. :-p So this means a lot of interesting readings! (Hey, I took time linking all these, so you better go read them all!)
Anyway, big thanks to Charles Lifestyle and Knitting, who sent us rolled paper stitch markers and art papers...and I was a dork and forgot to bring it to the recording.
Shout out to WonderMike and hizKnits in their podcast: YKnit! Very professional and great contents!
We went off on a whole loads of tangents here about hairpins, shawl pin, my being a crybaby, hair-clip....
Anyway, don't you think that Ms. B's kids would look great in emo? :-p
What's on/off our needles/hooks/spindles/wheels:
- Elemm:
- Firestarters (FO)
- Mystic Waters Shawl (FO - warning about the man-bikini picture...we went right off the tangent about European men and Speedos...and I'm bulge-obsessed. *LOL* *OhmygawdIcan'tbelieveIjustannouncedthattothewholewideworld* We also talked about
FFKFKK = "Freikörperkultur" and Cashyie's got a colleague who's a nudist! And he also enjoys science-fiction!)...and here's a picture of me sporting the shawl:

Elemm sporting his Mystic Waters
- 2 Saartjes Booties (I also still need to knit more the Bockstark Way! Then we went off to discuss about the perfect gift for a new baby.)
- Flowerbasket Shawl
- Raku-Clapotis
- Icarus Shawl
- Hemlock Ring Blanket
- 16 microns blue merino on mosaic paua shell from Butterfly Girl Designs
- 50 g of singles of Galway by Yarn Wench
- 50 g of black Merino-Mulberry Silk: Midnight Stars (FO)
- Some hand-spun yarns I showed and my Rustikal neckwarmer
- Cashyie has been going crazy knitting socks:
- She's got 6 pairs off the needles already! And she's knitting one with Hobbledehoy yarn! We need to get Cashyie to follow a pattern properly. Then we just went off on a tangent about Cashyie's dating....anybody interested to go with her? Coz I won't pass as a hetero. :-p
- Can you believe that she knit a pair of socks out of Noro Silk Garden (Ravelry link)?! We went on discussing about sock yarns and sock patterns (seen the Noro Kureyon Sock Yarn review on Knitty, yet?)
- She's also contemplating about knitting a sweater.
- Ms. B:
- Falling In Love Socks from MagKnits
- Birthday socks for Rockstar-Husband out of STR
- Hand-spun hat (hand-spun swapped with Cauchy09 and now Ms. B's crazy on hand-spun and is now dealing out her Wollmeise for hand-spun. Rockstar-Husband reckons that he likes spinning more than knitting....because "spinning is like Gandhi")
- She also starts knitting stockinette socks with yarns that she hasn't knit with before in order to try out new yarns. She's knitting one with Violet Green Yarn.
- Countless Saarjtes Booties (okay, okay...7 pairs! Too many ends to weave in that she ended up finding her own way to knit it in the round. You can also find it on Ravelry.)
- Cobblestone Pullover for Rockstar-Husband.
- Amazonas = The Amazon
- Türkis und Karneol = Turquoise and Carnelian
- Drachenblut = Dragon's blood
- Dani (we've met her!)
- Koralle im Meer = Corals in the sea
- Feuerwanze = Firebug, June Bug
- Flower Power
- Poison No. 5
- Birkenrinde = Birch Bark
- "Zenzi" is a name that a lot of Bavarian milk cows (in the brown and cream/white variatons) are usually given.
- (We veered off to Pappedeckel and Batzn)
- New colourways:
- "Boboli" is named after the Boboli Park in Florence (read about the Wollmeise inspiration HERE).
- Artists Series:
- Vincent (inspired by Vincent van Gogh's "The Cafe Terrace on the Place du Forum, Arles, At Night".)
- Paul (inspired by Paul Gauguin's "Ta Matete")
- Emil (inspired by Emil Nolde's "Wilder Mohn: Rot, rot, rot")
- Franz (inspired by Franz Marc under "Der Blaue Reiter")
- DebütantInnen Series:
- Miss May
- Bob
- Versuchskaninchen = Guinea pig
- Salamander
- Johannisbeere & Brennnessel = Red currant & stinging nettle
- Mitternacht = Midnight
Life in Germany: Cashyie has fallen in love with German movies....or rather with Til Schweiger. *LOL* The movies that he has been in and we mentioned are:
- Was tun, wenn's brennt? = "What to do in case of fire?"
- Der bewegte Mann
- Barfuss
- Keinohrhasen
- Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life
- Good Bye, Lenin!
- Napola - Elite für den Führer = "Before the Fall"
- Die Welle
- Lola rennt = "Run Lola Run"
- Wer früher stirbt, ist länger tod
- Das Leben der Anderen = "The Lives of Others"
- Das Experiment = "The Experiment" (with Moritz Bleibtreu)
- Im Juli = "Im Juli"
- (T)Raumschiff Surprise - Periode 1 = "Traumschiff Surprise - Periode 1"
Katia & KylieMac asked us about phone numbers in Germany...we share our confusion when Germans tell you their phone numbers in full numbers. The complications of how to ring up a phone in Germany.
You can win a skein of hand-dyed sock yarn from, another indie-dyer in Germany....and I'm throwing in the 50 g skein of my own hand-spun: Midnight Stars!

Elemm's Hand-spun: Midnight Stars
For each of us, we have 5 pieces of information. We've mixed them all up. All you need to do is to guess and match up the pieces of information to each of us. The person who gets all or the most correctly will win. If several gets it correctly, then we'll do a drawing. For the time being the deadline will be on 1st April 2008. Please email us the answer or PM us on Ravelry, do NOT post the answers here in the comments. You can find our contact information towards the end of the show notes.
Here goes:
- Who has a coin machine and put coins in wrappers?
- Who played High School Football?
- Who has freakishly small baby toes?
- Who has grey hair since childhood?
- Who moved around a lot and lived in 16 different addresses since birth?
- Who has the most handbags?
- Who has a sibling married to an Asian guy?
- Who has a Titanium plate in the hand?
- Who love cleaning their ears?
- Who prefers sharpened regular pencils over mechanical ones?
- Who boycotted fast-food for 3 years?
- Who doesn't like German food?
- Who drinks about 12 litres of Diet-Coke a week?
- Who likes brussel sprouts?
- Who tried to pay for a person's meal at a drive-thru McDonald's as a random act of kindness?
![Yarnwench: Galway [49:366, 12.03.2008]](
The Yarn Wench: Galway
As you've heard earlier in the episode, Ms. B is dreaming of having her own league of spinners, so that she can get hand-spun to knit. So, here's a Q&A about spinning between Ms. B and me (Disclaimer: I'm still a beginning spinner, so what I tell you here might not be a 100% correct and they're all based on my limited knowledge and understandings about spinning.)
- Ratios in a wheel depend on what kind of yarn you want to end up with. The higher the ratio, the more twist it can put in the yarn. You can achieve a high twist in the yarns with lower ratio, too...but you'll end up treadling your wheel like a mad man.
- Single or Double Treadles don't really make any difference. It all depends on taste and your comfort.
- Bobbins, you can actually never have enough. But I would suggest about 6 bobbins to begin with if you're considering about spinning up some singles and plying them together...which also means that you'll eventually a tensioned lazy Kate (which can also be constructed easily at home).
- Setting the twist depends on what you find easier. Some people set the twist on their singles already before plying.
- Rovings: Combed, carded, batts, tops, rovings, slivers!
- Drafting: Pre-draft, stretching out, etc.
So now the truth is out, I've been interviewed by quite bit of media about my knitting! The first one was done by, then follows the Jetzt article...and then I was interviewed and went on TV with ARTE. SWR also did an interview but it hasn't aired yet...and the latest TV interview was with "La Vita" on Bayerisches Fernsehen, which will be aired on German television on 03rd April 2008, between 7-7.45 p.m.). Oh, and the magazine Glamour also just did a small interview with me and it will come out in the April issue. :-p
And with all the interviews I got, I suggested that this episode's music should be "Famous" by The Lascivious Biddies, and it is brought to you by:

You can leave us a comment here or contact us via email:
or come and join us at our Uncensored Knitters Ravelry Group! And if you're around in Munich and want to come knit with us, you can find the MuKnit: The Munich Knitters Group also on Ravelry!
Until next time, keep knitting!